Friday, January 27, 2012

Straw Man & Ad Hominem

Straw Man Fallacy: An informal logical fallacy that distorts, twists, and/or oversimplifies an opponent position and/or argument and later claims to heroically defeat their opponent in a debate.  This is fallacious because distorting things is not the same as addressing someone's actual points.

The Straw Man Fallacy
I will use a Halo apologist straw man erected against a Colo Claw Fish as a sample.

First Arguer: Kyro "Sparkles"Seymour, a Colo Claw Fish
Sparkles is anti-war and is opposed to Halo because it is a bloodthirsty and obsessively militaristic gaming series.  Sparkles says, "War toy and violent videos are harmful and need to go because they teach violence.  I want to teach peace and harmony.  War toys like GI Joe and violent videos like Halo are a great disservice to peace because they send the wrong messages.  War is not a game, it is  pain and suffering.  Halo is overrated, over-hyped, and over-priced.  Halo fan boys think that this bloodthirsty game is the best game ever and that all non-Xbox games suck.  Halo is nonstop violence and I don't like that.  So Halo fan boy, please stop playing Halo and stop playing with war since nobody should be playing with war."  The video below PROVES that Mt Halo is military propaganda; therefore,  is a center-piece in Kyro the Colo Claw Fish's strong argument.

The Second Arguer: Halo Goon
The Halo apologist called Halo Goon resorted to apologetics and erected the following Straw Man Fallacy against Sparkles, "Sparkles, you are trying to give aid and comfort to the enemy and make us defenseless against otherworldly creatures.  If you have your effeminate way you sissy Colo Claw Fish, we will be doomed!"
Sparkles immediately detected a logical fallacy coming from Halo Goon.  Sparkles said, "Do I smell a logical fallacy; yes I do, it is called a Straw Man Fallacy what you just said right now.  I am not at all trying to give aid the the enemy, I am trying to bring peace, including peace through play.  You totally distorted my argument so you can claim victory you cheater.  A straw man is an informal logical fallacy that distorts, twists, and/or oversimplifies an opposing position and/or argument and later claims to heroically defeat their opponent in a debate.  This is highly illogical because distorting my argument does not constitute addressing  my points."

Argument Against The Person (Argumentum ad Hominem):  There are few types of ad hominem all of which involve verbally attacking the person instead of discussing the argument.  This is fallacious because attacking the person does not constitute discussing the actual points.

Ad Hominem Abusive: An informal logical fallacy that heaps verbal attacks onto their opponent with things like name-calling and profanity.

Ad Hominem Circumstantial: An informal logical fallacy that attacks their opponent's circumstances which are unrelated to the argument at hand in an effort to discredit what they say.

Poisoning the Well: An informal logical fallacy that presents unfavorable information (true or false) about their opponent which is unrelated to the argument  at hand to discredit what they say.

Ad Hominem Tu Quoque: An informal logical fallacy that tries  to make  their opponent appear  hypocritical in an effort to discredit what they say.

The Halo Goon said the following verbal attack against Sparkles, "Sparkles, you are just a girly eel boy who wants to end all manliness so you can be a pansy.  Of course you don't like Halo or the military, you are not manly enough and you are the milksop of the sea.  I will not listen to anything that you have to say Sparkles, since you are by far the #1 most effeminate sissy that I ever had the displeasure of meeting!  You are telling me to stop playing with war and Halo, but you keep being a sissy eel even when people like me tell you to stop."
Sparkles detected string of more logical fallacies from Halo Goon and said, "Now you are attacking me; yes you are, it is a logical fallacy known as an ad hominem.  In fact, what you just said was a string of ad hominem attacks against me.  Your first sentence was an ad hominem abusive containing efffemophobic name-calling and slurs.  You second sentence was an ad hominem circumstantial attacking my effeminate lifestyle instead of addressing my argument with an effemophobic epithet.  The third sentence poisoned the well by saying that you will not listen to anything that I have to say all because I am the most effeminate creature that you ever met and threw in an effemophobic slur.  Your fourth sentence was an ad hominem tu quoque telling me that I should  not tell you to play peace because I love to act femininely and then again, you used an effemophobic hate word.  Halo fan boy, you are resorting to effemophobic name-calling and outright attacks against me and you did not address even a single popint that I made.  Halo sucks because war sucks!  War is unhealthy for everybody, and that is a fact of life.  Peace rocks; you should  seriously try it, then maybe you would stop being so scared for once in your life.  There is nothing wrong with my effeminate behavior, it is perfectly fine."

Author's Note: The vast majority of Halo fans act like Halo Goon and spray ad hominem attacks and erect straw men like he does.  In fact, Halo Goon is modeled after the vast majority of real life Halo fan boys.  The funniest Halo ad hominem on record referred to Star Fox as "fruity tendo games".

Sando Aqua Monster Requiem: Gas Giant Life Forms Vs Sando Aqua Monsters

This post is about a clashes between the Sanod Aqua Monster and some Jupiter life forms.

Aerial Whale: The Guide


Sando Aqua Monster
Aerial Whales have vocal boxes where their ears should be, the slits above the eyes on an Aerial Whale are the ears.  The vocal boxes release a deafening roar, and is powerful enough to stun a Sando Aqua Monster.  The Aerial Whale can be neutrally buoyant in an atmosphere and float there like a balloon as well as fly, the Sando cannot fly!  Sando  Aqua Monsters are 160 meters while Aerial Whales are 500+ meters.  Aerial Whales like  the Guide are highly intelligent and smarter than Sando Aqua Monsters.  Life living in the atmospheres of gas giants is far more possible than life and liquid water in planet cores.  The Aerial Whale wins!

Jupiter  Floaters (Cosmos)

Jupiter Hunters (Cosmos)

Gas Giant Life (Stephen Hawking)
The Sando Aqua Monster would be no match for the floaters and hunters from Cosmos for obvious reasons stated in a previous post.  The Sando Aqua Monster would be instantly killed if struck by the lightening that constantly rages on gas giants while Stephen Hawking's pumpkin-shaped floaters feed on that same very lightening.

Now the Guide will rescue a sexy Colo Claw Fish that will be its buddy from nowand forever more.

The Guide
Protects & Befriends

A Sexy Colo Claw Fish
This post is my Sando Aqua Monster Requiem, meaning my final act regarding the Sando Aqua Monster.

Relevant Personal History Footnote: In 1999, starting when I first came up with Project Orion II on February 18 that year, I used Project Orion II to shield against a foreboding that the X-Wings engendered in me.  The people in my life took my Orion II away for twenty weeks solid from March 21 to August 8 1999 for hating Star Wars.  In late march and April 1999, I get hooked  on the Jupiter "floaters" and "hunters" from Cosmos, and had my floaters taken away in the end of April 1999 an an effort to further punish me for being against Star Wars.  This  coupled with my indecision about the floater when I got my Orion II back caused me long-lasting problems that took me nay years to undo.  Had I just had my Orion II taken away with my floaters  never  having been taken away, I would of not even mentioned the Sando in jest like I did.  I would have envisioned interstellar transport of Colo Claw Fish without any mention of Sando Aqua Monsters at all.  Had my Orion II not been taken away, not only would I have been imagining Colo Claw Fish Carriers  without mentioning Sando Aqua Monsters, I would have solved my Star Wars-related problems in early 1999 when they should have been solved.  That is why this post and the previous post on "Atmospheric Life On Gas Giants" really solve my Sando Aqua Monster-related anguish at its source.

Project Orion II is a 190m long and 50m wide deuterium-helium3 fusion pulse propelled interstellar spacecraft that I am designing to go to nearby star systems such as Alpha Centauri 4.37ly away and Tau Ceti 11.9ly away.  I will talk about Orion II in future posts, even  Project  Orion II is bigger than the Sando Aqua Monster.  The 190m Orion II Starship will be 30m longer than the 160m average Sando Aqua Monster.  Watch the video below that I posted on YouTube for more information on Project Orion II.

Atmospheric Life On Gas Gaints

I am going to talk about imaginary but possible alien life in the atmospheres of gas giants.  The first example that I will show you is from Chapter/Episode 2 of my hero Carl Edward Sagan's Cosmos called "One Voice In The Cosmic Fugue".  Carl Sagan worked with a colleague; a physicist named E.E. Salpeter, in 1976 on some calculations on realistic designs for life forms populating a planet that is like Jupiter.  Sagan started the  topic  of Jovian  life  with small lifeforms that drift down and are eventually fried called "sinkers."  But Sagan with the help of Salpeter came  up with ideas for other possible life, including vast  living balloons called "floaters."  The floaters would be kilometers across; enormously larger than any Sando Aqua Monster ever was  or would have been, beings the size of cities.  The floaters would  be arranged in great  lazy herds for as far as the eye can see with camouflage.  There are also smaller, faster, and more maneuverable "hunters" who consume the larger and sluggish floaters.  Hollow sinkers would evolve into the first floaters while later  on self-propelled floaters would evolve into the first hunters.  Adolf Schaller who is known for scientific accuracy  and vivid realism in his artwork made the image below.

Jupiter  "floaters" and "hunters" (Cosmos
Jupiter Floaters (Cosmos): Vastly larger than any Sando Aqua Monsters

Jupiter Hunters (Cosmos)
Cosmos is not the only scientific work that has speculations about possible life in the atmospheres of gas giants.  One example is Terence Dickinson who wrote books like The Universe And Beyond and Extraterrestrials: A Field Guide For Earthlings in which he also speculated about gas giants having atmospheric life.  The image of an over half a kilometer long aerial whale called the Guide with tow light bulb-shaped floating cities in the background is a perfect example.  The Guide is bigger than any Sando Aqua Monsters just like the even much larger floaters from Cosmos are.  Aerial whales like the Guide have tiny crablike creatures that do housekeeping  duties  in their bodies and are in turn provided  with free transportation.  The 40km high floating cities are constructed using technology processing membranous plants in the atmosphere.  These Jovian Cites can even launch spacecraft and that may include alien Colo Claw Fish Carriers.  Stephen Hawking also speculates about life in gas giants such as the image of the pumpkin-shaped floaters.  I bet that the gas giant floaters that Hawking came up with are much larger than any Sando Aqua Monsters ever will be too.  Hawking's floaters would consume the lightning storms that constantly rage on gas giants as food.
Aerial Whale: the Guide (Extraterrestrials: A Field Guide For Earthlings)

Stephen Hawking's pumpkin-shaped Jupiter Floaters


I need a slogan that reflects this blog best.  First of all, I am an atheist, meaning someone who is mentally healthy.  I call religion "adonaiphrenia" because it is not unlike schizophrenia because it is believing in imaginary friends as if they were real and the word "adonai" means god.  The Force in the highly overrated Star Wars franchise which I despise is a metaphor that nobody should use since it puts the psychopathy of adonaiphrenia in a positive light and ignores the evils committed in the name of FaithPychosis.  Check out calpurnpiso and his videos for more information, and like me, he will refer to to Dr Robert Sapolsky for more information.  A Colo Claw Fish was needlessly belittled and ripped in two in the TPM underwater scene in the name of the Force.  Colo Claw Fish are discriminated against and labeled as "distrust and fear" in the name of the Force as much as homosexuals are treated as second-class citizens in America in the name of Christophrenia.

So many atrocities were committed in the name of religion throughout REAL history.  The first one that I will mention is the destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria and the death of Hypatia that was committed in the name of Christophrenia during the collapse of classical civilization.  This occurred during the dawn of the Dark Ages in which Christophrenic doctrine would go unquestioned for about a millennium.  The Crusades were a an attempt  to take back the so-called "Holy Land" by Christophrenic Europeans.  The Spanish Inquisition, Witch Hunts and Witch Burnings were due to Christophrenia.  The Holocaust was caused by Christophrenia, King Swastika was a Christophrenia-infected German dictator.  On all of the Nazi Belt  Buckles it says "Gott Mit Uns" meaning "God With Us."

Nazi Belt Buckle
Today there are still evils committed in the name of adonaiphrenia such as terrorism like the 9/11, the persecution of homosexuals, modern witch hunts like the attempt to ban Harry Potter, sexism, etc.

So here is an excellent slogan for Colo Claw Fish Protector Interstellar:

"May the Force be forgotten, use the Gift of Reason instead!"

Realistic Designs

I will now talk about realistic starship designs that can be modified to carry Colo Claw Fish through the final frontier.  Although I shun nay sayers who are opposed to future interstellar travel, I stressed time and time again that I will not dignify the opposite end of the spectrum which is handwavium wishful thinking.  I will start off with the ISV Venture Star  from my current favorite movie, Avatar, which is by far one of the most  realistic starship designs that has ever been seen in cinemas.  Check out the Realistic Designs page of the Atomic Rockets website for more information on the ISV Venture Star.

ISV Venture Star
Here is an inventory of realistic starship designs for Colo Claw Fish Carriers to use:

Antimatter-powered Colo Claw Fish Carrier
Ah, antimatter, one of the most potent rocket fuels that one could use, even much more powerful than fusion. The advantages of anitmatter propulsion is more bang for your buck and total efficiency as well as getting pretty close to the cosmic speed limit, the speed of light.  The drawbacks of antimatter are that for now it is extremely difficult and expensive to produce antimatter as well as the gamma rays associated with matter-antimatter reactions.  The beamed core is one of  the best designs for an antimatter Colo Claw Fish Carrier since it puts its propulsion a safe distance away from the crew and Colo Claw Fish.  The ISV Venture Star is another great candidate for a Colo Claw Fish Carrier in which the propulsion is in front of the payload to reduce mass.

Bussard Ramjet Colo Claw Fish Carrier
My favorite design for a Colo Claw Fish Carrier is that of the Bussard Ramjet pictured above.  You may have noticed that in a previous post that I used the Bussard Ramjet to transport Sparkles the Colo Claw Fish from Naboo to Alpha Centauri.  The Bussard Ramjet was named for the physicist who designed it in 1960,  Dr. Robert W Bussard.  The Bussard Ramjet works by collecting hydrogen atoms that float in interstellar space sucking them into an engine via a massive frontal ram scoop and field wires before fusing them into helium and spitting them out the back.  There is one hydrogen atom for every ten cubic centimeters of interstellar space, and the Ramjet may need to carry on board propellant to accelerate it to a fast enough speed to collect enough hydrogen to keep its engine humming.  In principle, the Bussard Ramjet could  accelerate to just under the cosmic speed limit.  Drawbacks include the difficulty in building such a ship as well as advancements in physics and engineering knowledge.

Warpship Colo Claw Fish Carrier
Faster-than-light is handwavium in its full glory; but there is one exception, the warp drive featured in another  one of my favorite works of science  fiction, Star Trek.  Warp drive is based off of some sound principles in physics and has been worked out by Miguel Alcubierre and others.  You do not accelerate, space moves for you in which you contract space in front of you and expand space behind you, thus your destination comes to you.  But if the Starship Enterprise were real, it would look like the warpship image above.  Warp Drive would require a far greater understanding of dark energy than we have today, negative energy equal to Jupiter, and huge leaps in physics and engineering knowledge.  The warp bubble must be stable at all times  or else it would collapse, crush the ship inside, kill the crew, or maybe even create an artificial black hole.  Thee is a concern that you might not get there faster than light could without first turning the ship into plasma or creating other causality headaches, but I think that this is unlikely,the other drawbacks mentioned earlier are far more likely.  I would  not want to send my Colo Claw Fish on a warpship unless warp drive is perfected to where the warp bubble easily remains stable.

Wormhole from Naboo to Alpha Centauri
I believe that the only possible way for do intergalactic travel is via wormholes which have been worked out  by Kip Thorne, Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, and others.  That is even if warp drive is possible.  I also used a wormhole in a previous post to get a Bussard Ramjet carrying Sparkles the Colo Claw Fish from Naboo in a galaxy far, far away to Alpha Centauri only 4.37 light-years away from Earth.  Wormholes can  take one into the distant future or the remote past and be time machines.  Drawbacks include having to hold open a wormhole  so it does not crush a passing ship inside as well as quantum leaps in our understanding of the laws of physics and engineering knowledge and massive energy requirements.  Now you have a feel for realist Colo Claw Fish Carrier designs.

Force Argument (Argumentum ad Baculum)

Appeal to Force (Argumentum ad Baculum): Meaning argument of the "stick" or the "CUDGEL".

Force Argument Diagram

Definition: An informal logical fallacy in which the arguer threatens the persuadee that unpleasant consequences will follow if they do not accept the conclusion.  This is fallacious because the threat of force does not necessarily prove the conclusion to be correct.

I will use an ad baculum directed towards a Colo Claw Fish as a sample.
The Arguer: Hal "Cranky" Crabby

The Persuadee: Kyro "Sparkles"Seymour

The Conclusion: OCD is the #1 security blanket ever.

The Threat: Sabirius ChaKhan the Sando Aqua Monster

Cloverfield the Sando Eater / Colo Protector
Story: It starts with Hal and his best friend; Lobo Lobsterito, who knew each other for at least many months and suddenly captured by crab fishermen and taken to a lobster tank in a seafood restaurant on a pier.  The chef was quite cruel and laughed as he cooked the doomed crustaceans in his restaurant.  One fateful evening, the chef took Lobo and Cranky out of the lobster tank and was laughing hard and taunting the poor invertebrates.  Although Lobo was doomed, Hal was in big luck.  The Chef was so wrapped up in and distracted by his actions of killing Lobo by cooking him  in boiling hot water that Hal took that  opportunity to run away for the sea nearby.  Once Lobo died as he was getting cooked, the chef was shocked as he noticed that the crab was missing.  Then right away, the chef saw a crab running sideways away from him and towards the exit.  The chef laughed, "Don't  you even dare think of running away my crabby, you are rightfully doomed just like your lobstery pal."  The chef threw knives at Hal, but Hal was able to dodge every single one of the chef's blows.  A person then walked in and was appalled with the way the chef was acting towards the crab and took the crab outside and tossed him into the sea below the pier.  From that night on, Hal became known as "Cranky" and decided  that he would have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as his security blanket in an effort to prevent a repeat of his chef-related trauma.  Cranky was taken by aliens via a wormhole from Earth to Naboo sixty hours later where he found a new best friend, a Sando Aqua Monster named Sabirius ChaKhan who likes to feed others' OCD.

One day, Cranky ventured deeper into the seas of Naboo beyond the reach of his Sando sentinel out of curiousity.  Cranky was always an explorer.  He brought an underwater lantern to find his way around.  Then Cranky heard a voice emanating from what appeared to be strings of blue lights, "Hello there little fellow, I am Kyro Sparkles Seymour, you can call me Sparkles.  I am an ultra effeminate, fun-loving, and peaceful Colo Claw Fish."  Cranky replied, "Sparkles,  I am Hal Cranky Crabby, you can call me Cranky.  I rely on my obsessive-compulsive disorder to help me to survive since I lost my first best friend and nearly my own life to a nasty chef.  My new best friend is a Sando Aqua Monster named Sabirius ChaKhan who totally supports me and my OCD."  Sparkles said, "Cranky, please lighten up and get over your OCD, it is a mental illness.  I hate Sando Aqua Monsters because they eat guys like me!  I am scared because your current pal from what you told me is a Sando Aqua Monster named Sabirius ChaKhan.  I know your Sabirius, that one Sando Aqua Monster in particular who constantly obsesses over me."  Cranky yelled out the following ad baculum"Sparkles, obsessive-compulsive disorder is by far the BEST security blanket ever!  OCD is vital to my survival so I do not end up with the nasty chef ever again!  If you don't believe me party eel,  I will summon Sabirius ChaKhan so he will rip you in two and eat you for LUNCH!"  Sparkles rebelled against Cranky's ultimatum and said, "Cranky, you are losing control, please do lighten up and get rid of that OCD.  OCD is not a great security blanket because it is not good for one to be constantly anxious and paranoid like you are."  Cranky was furious and stormed back to Sabirius.

When Cranky reunited with Sabirius, Sabirius asked, "What's wrong my little crab?  Did you encounter a rebellious Colo Claw Freak who tried to take away your OCD vitals?"  Cranky answered, "Sabirius, I came across Kyro Sparkles Seymour who tried to take my precious OCD from me.  Sparkles says that he knows you and accuses you of obsessing over him."  Sabirius said, "I do know that sissy, Sparkles is a pansy who needs  to be taught a serious lesson!"  A bullet sub darted passed Cranky and Sabirius in the direction that Cranky previously explored.

Sabirius bellowed, "Sparkles, you get out of your hiding right now so I can bite you in two and eat you for lunch since you tried to deprive the poor little crustacean of his OCD even after he warned you about me!"  Meanwhile, the bullet sub rendezvoused with Sparkles and the pilot said, "I come to protect  you and take you to the starship."  Sparkles said, "Thanks, but you need to be extra careful since there is a psychotic Sando Aqua Monster named Sabirius ChaKhan who is obsessed with ripping me in half.  My name is Kyro Sparkles Seymour, you can call me Sparkles."  The pilot said, "It is a pleasure to meet you Sparkles."  Sparkles swam with his bullet sub.

Sparkles said, "Sabirius is after me now more than ever before since his little crab friend Hal Cranky Crabby said that he would have Sabirius rip me in two if I do not accept OCD as a security blanket.  Of course I could not accept his conclusion because I know that OCD is a mental illness consisting of constant anxiety and paranoia."  The pilot replied, "Sparkles, you really mean that there is someone who actually loves their obsessive-compulsive disorder and views it as a security blanket?  And that he would go to such lengths as to threaten you with getting eaten over it?"  Sparkles replied, "I am serious, Cranky does love his OCD and  would even threaten me over it.  He complains about a nasty chef that cooked his original best friend and almost took his life and says he does not want to end up in the situation ever again as to why he values his OCD."  The pilot  replied, "It seems that Cranky committed an informal logical fallacy known as an appeal to force (argumentum ad baculum) in an attempt to get you to accept his pro-OCD conclusion.  Appeal to force is an informal logical fallacy in which the arguer threatens the persuadee in an effort to get  them to accept the conclusion, this is highly illogical because threats don't necessarily prove one right.  I know of one predator of Sando Aqua Monsters, and it is Cloverfield, and if we are in luck, maybe Cloverfield will show up and take out Sabirius."  Sparkles said, "Thanks for telling me, and in fact, I saw Cloverfield before when she pinned down another Sando Sea Monster who tried to eat me.  I should remember what you said about  Cranky's ultimatum to me being an appeal to force (argumentum ad baculum), thanks for educating me."  The bullet sub and Sparkles continued their assent.

As Sparkles and his escort ascended, Sabirius laughed, "Sparkles, you really think that that puny sub is going to protect you from me?  Haw haw ha ha ha he he he he!"  The pilot replied, "Sabirius, we are going to have to do it like in Aesop's Fable called "The Eagle And The Beetle".  I am like the beetle and you Sabirius are my eagle."  Suddenly, Sabirius was grabbed my long massive arms and started to struggle, "What is happening to me, I thought that Sando Aqua Monster do not have any predators."  Sparkles replied, "Sabirius, as it turns out, they do.  Your situation is a perfect example of a Sando Aqua Monster becoming prey.  The animal that is attacking you is called Cloverfield."  Sparkles cheered, "You go Cloverfield, take that Sando out, he has been obsessing with ripping me in  half for way too long!"  Cloverfield replied, "I too am a Colo Claw Fish Protector and that is exactly why I eat Sando Aqua Monsters like Sabirius ChaKhan.  Sabirius,I am so sick and tired of you obsessing over Kyro Sparkles Seymour and wanting to bite him in two for your own sadistic pleasure.  You infuriate me Sabirious and I am putting my foot down!"  Sparkles picked up Cranky and took him to the waiting Bussard Ramjet.  Cranky watched in horror as Clover slew Sabirius.  Sparkles and his escort were delighted.

Once on board the Bussard Ramjet, Sparkles got cozy under a large blanket and wrapped it around his body.  Sparkles said, "Cranky, may I please tell you something regarding when you threatened me over OCD?  Cranky, the pilot of the bullet sub that I had a dialogue with told me that you committed an informal logical fallacy known as an appeal to force (argumentum ad baculum).  It is a fallacious argument  in which the arguer threatens the persuadee in an effort to get them to accept the conclusion.  You telling me that you will have Sabirius bite me in two if I do not accept OCD as a security blanket was an appeal to force!  You did not get your way with that Force Argument of yours, I still rightfully disobeyed your OCD orders and told you reality.  When we get to Alpha Centauri, we will find you a stern psychiatrist to give you the serious OCD treatment that you so desparately need.  Your OCD has got to go!  See what your ad baculum got you, the death of Sabirius at the hands of Cloverfield.  I still kept telling you reality and will always tell you reality, OCD sucks!"  The Bussard Ramjet then lifted off from Naboo.  As the ramjet accelerated, Sparkles fell fast asleep and began to hibernate, Cranky made a scene because he knew that he could no longer threaten Sparkles  with Sando Aqua Monsters.  The Bussard Ramjet then flew through a wormhole for sixty hours before coming out of it back in the Milky Way and heading for Alpha Centauri.

Bussard Ramjet: Colo Claw Fish Carrier

Wormhole leading from Naboo to Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri: Sparkles' new home

Sando Aqua Monsters & Cloverfield

I will talk about Sando Aqua Monsters, the arched foe of Colo Claw Fish with a ravenous appetite and fast  metabolism as to why I envision interstellar transports carrying Colo Claw Fish to another star system like Alpha Centauri, Tau Ceti, or Omicron2 Eridani.  The average Sando Aqua Monster is 160m long.  These vermin even make Godzilla look peaceable in comparison despite the fact that Godzilla would crush the Sando in a fight.  One thing that disgusts me about the asinine underwater scene of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is that they GLORIFIED the act of a Sando Aqua Monster ripping a Colo Claw Fish in half with such a sadistic look on the Sando's face!  There are better ways of saving the Jedi and Jar Jar than promoting sadism, such as staying away from glaring handwavium such as the Naboo planet core nonsense!

Sando Aqua Monster
 However, there are other leviathans besides Godzilla that could give the Sando the reckoning he so deserves; one example is a favorite of mine, the Cloverfield leviathan that is 365.8m long, 225.6m wide, and 106.7-153m tall.  Clover is over TWICE the size of the Sando Aqua Monster.  The Sando was an adult, but Clover was only a baby, and this can be proven in the featurette called "I Saw It!  It's Alive!  It's Huge!" on a Cloverfield DVD or Blu-Ray.  Unfortunately for creationist zombies such as NephilimFree, Clover is older than 6000 years.  Clovers mature excruciatingly slow and have a staggeringly long lifespan.  Clover can sleep for at least centuries without food.  Clover was bombed twice and remained uninjured afterward and continued to devastate Manhattan.  Clover has massive frontal arms that can reach out and grab an unsuspecting Sando Aqua Monster somewhat by surprise.  The clash of the leviathans between a Sando Aqua Monster and Clover would not even be a fight, it would be a massacre that ends with the Sando getting eaten.  It is in no way possible for a Sando Aqua Monster to defeat an adult version of Clover.

Cloverfield Leviathan


Hello, I am Timothy McHugh and welcome to Colo Claw Fish Protector Interstellar, a blog that is highly protective of a sexy eel-like Star Wars fish known as a Colo Claw Fish.  Colo Claw Fish are 40m long.

Colo Claw Fish
Eventhough I am willing to enivsion interstellar transports capable of carrying Colo Claw Fish , I solemly refuse to ignore the laws of physics.  All of the Colo Claw Fish Carrier spacecraft will be based off of realistic starship designs.  Let me tell you about something that is called "handwavium".  "What is "handwavium"?" some of you who read this humbling blog might ask.  Let me tell you this, handwavium is anyting that flat out violates physics.  FTL in its many forms is an epitome of handwavium because of causality and relativity.  Special Relativity was first postulated by a young Swiss patton clerk named Albert Einstin in the year 1905.  Special Relativity states that as an object  approaches the speed of light, thre funny things do happen, they are not illusions,they really happen at relativistic velocites.  The first one of those weird changes is that your mass increases as you get closer to the speed of light.  Another one of those strange effects is that your length will contract as you get nearer to the speed of light.  And the coolest bizarre effect is that time will slow down as you approach lightspeed.  Another form of handwavium includes all spacecraft designs that ignore thermodyamics, such as stealth spacecraft.  Check out the Atomic Rockets for more information and for suggestions for realistic starship designs.  The planet core of Naboo is handwavium 101 because it has caves filled with liquid water and sea monsters.  Some Star Wars apologists tried to move the goalposts on me by saying that the two Jedi and Jar Jar went under the crust of Naboo and not into the core, but even liquid water below entire rocky crust without being in the core is handwavium.  Water is a lot less dense than rock.  If Colo Claw Fish are real, they would live above the basalt oceanic crust of their homeworld.  I will keep posting on this blog with more information on the various topics covered regarding Colo Claw Fish and interstellar transport of these sexy eels.