Friday, January 27, 2012


Hello, I am Timothy McHugh and welcome to Colo Claw Fish Protector Interstellar, a blog that is highly protective of a sexy eel-like Star Wars fish known as a Colo Claw Fish.  Colo Claw Fish are 40m long.

Colo Claw Fish
Eventhough I am willing to enivsion interstellar transports capable of carrying Colo Claw Fish , I solemly refuse to ignore the laws of physics.  All of the Colo Claw Fish Carrier spacecraft will be based off of realistic starship designs.  Let me tell you about something that is called "handwavium".  "What is "handwavium"?" some of you who read this humbling blog might ask.  Let me tell you this, handwavium is anyting that flat out violates physics.  FTL in its many forms is an epitome of handwavium because of causality and relativity.  Special Relativity was first postulated by a young Swiss patton clerk named Albert Einstin in the year 1905.  Special Relativity states that as an object  approaches the speed of light, thre funny things do happen, they are not illusions,they really happen at relativistic velocites.  The first one of those weird changes is that your mass increases as you get closer to the speed of light.  Another one of those strange effects is that your length will contract as you get nearer to the speed of light.  And the coolest bizarre effect is that time will slow down as you approach lightspeed.  Another form of handwavium includes all spacecraft designs that ignore thermodyamics, such as stealth spacecraft.  Check out the Atomic Rockets for more information and for suggestions for realistic starship designs.  The planet core of Naboo is handwavium 101 because it has caves filled with liquid water and sea monsters.  Some Star Wars apologists tried to move the goalposts on me by saying that the two Jedi and Jar Jar went under the crust of Naboo and not into the core, but even liquid water below entire rocky crust without being in the core is handwavium.  Water is a lot less dense than rock.  If Colo Claw Fish are real, they would live above the basalt oceanic crust of their homeworld.  I will keep posting on this blog with more information on the various topics covered regarding Colo Claw Fish and interstellar transport of these sexy eels.

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